The Tetragram—Its History, Its Use in the New Testament, and Its Pronunciation

Af Rolf J. Furuli

Antal sider: 255
Vægt: 700 gr
Sprog: English
Cover type: Soft cover

DKK 350.00

Midlertidigt udsolgt


The Tetragram יהוה (yhwh) represents the Name of the Creator of the universe, and it occurs more than 6,800 times in the Hebrew part of the Bible. In the old Greek texts of the New Testament the Tetragram does not occur, but there the Name of God is represented by ks.

The four parts of this book discuss how the Tetragram was used in ancient times, whether there is a relationship between yhwh and ks, and if we can know anything about the pronunciation of the Name of God.

The following evidence is given:

  • The Jews continued to use and pronounce yhwh until the end of the 1st century CE. Then they started to use the substitute ’adōnāi (lord).
  • The Name of God occurs in all Septuagint manuscripts until 50 CE.
  • The NT writers quoted from the OT and the Septuagint where yhwh was written; therefore, they used yhwh in their quotations.
  • The internal evidence strongly indicates that yhwh was used in the NT.
  • On the basis of evidence from the Hebrew text and from Babylonian writing of Hebrew names, the pronunciation of yhwh can be found.

The author has been a lecturer in Semitic languages, and for more than a decade he has taught courses in Akkadian, Aramaic, Ethiopic, Hebrew, Phoenician, Syriac, and Ugaritic. He has also studied Greek, Latin, Sumerian, and Applied Linguistics, and he has translated many documents from the mentioned Semitic languages and Sumerian into Norwegian.

In 2005 he defended his doctoral dissertation where he argues for a completely new understanding of the verbal system of Classical Hebrew. He has written two books on Bible translation, two books on ancient chronology, and three books on the Bible.

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